- Your Rights to Cancel
- Cancellation Fees
- Payment
Where the regulations apply, you have a maximum of seven calendar days after you place the order to cancel the contract, you should send an e-mail stating that you are cancelling the contract in accordance with your legal rights and please tell us why.
Your order will be refunded in full, minus an admin charge of 10% the cost of your order if you have cancelled prior to loading. An admin fee of 30% of the cost of your order will apply if your order has already been loaded.
Full cost of order will apply once order has been delivered.
Payment may be made on-line or over the phone, to Seamus Ryan Sand & Gravel Ltd by credit or debit card. Cheques can be posted with an order. Cash on delivery is also accepted, put please do not send cash in post. Payment must be received prior to or on delivery for all one off loads.
- Pricing
- Liability for Delivery
- Returns Policy
Every effort is made to keep prices fair whatever combination of goods you choose, but if you have concerns please dont hesitate to contact us. Large orders over 100 tonnes, please call to discuss your requirements and terms
We accept no responsibility for loss, damge or injury incurred if our transport is asked to leave the public road system to deliver your goods off road. Our drivers will always attempt to deliver to the required place but sometimes this is physically impossible and we will deliver at the road side.
Failed Delivery: We accept no responsibility for loss if we are unable to deliver your goods due to local restrictions; parking; width;weight and CLEAR WAY, please inform us at the time of order if such restrictions apply.If applicable, please issue an exemptio permit to allow offloading to take place to avoid a failed delivery charge.
Product matching: All natural products vary in both colour and texture, our quarry is dynamic and new extractions take place weekly. Please keep this in mind when trying to match an existing product. We recommend you visit our site with a sample when attempting to match orders. Please be aware that you will be charged if you reject a load after deliver simply because it is not the same as something you already have, we cannot guarantee a match in any way.
Title: Ownership passes from Seamus Ryan Sand & Gravel Ltd to you when payment has been deposited to our bank account or cash collected at time of delivery.
If an incorrect product is ordered by a customer and needs to be returned to our depot, a collection fee will apply. This fee will vary depending on location and distacnce from our depot.
If products received by a customer are deemed to be defective or incorrect, this situation will be dealt with on a one to one basis.